Announcement of the first QSOs via the moon on 47 GHz

 成功したメンバーはRW3BP, AD6FP, W5LUA, and VE4MAと言う怪物と言うかちょっとクレージーというか雲の上の人と言うか・・・・病人ぞろいです。
 僕も驚きと感動を覚えたのでおめでとうメッセージをW5LUA Alさんに送りました。その時にシステムの写真が欲しいと書いていたら今日送ってくれましたので紹介します。フルサイズ写真はこちら https://以前のサイト/modules/myalbum/viewcat.php?cid=16

April 16, 2005 – Announcement of the first QSOs via
the moon on 47 GHz.

The team of RW3BP, AD6FP, W5LUA, and VE4MA would like to announce
that the first 47 GHz contacts via the moon have been completed.
As you may recall, RW3BP heard the first lunar echoes on 47 GHz
back in August of 2004. At that time he was heard by AD6FP, W5LUA,
VE4MA and VE7CLD. Since the receipt of the first 47 GHz echoes
via the moon, numerous tests between RW3BP and
AD6FP led to improvements by RW3BP allowing him to copy calls
from the lower power signal of AD6FP in January of 2005.
As of April 16, 2005 the team of AD6FP, W5LUA and VE4MA have each
completed a CW QSO via the moon with RW3BP.
The station at RW3BP consists of a 2.4M offset fed dish and 100
plus watts while the station at AD6FP consists of a 1.8M offset
fed dish and 30 watts. At W5LUA and VE4MA 2.4M offset fed dishes
and 30 watt TWTs were used. Noise figures of all stations are in
the 3.5 to 4.7 dB range.

Since the doppler shift can be as much as 100 + kHz at 47 GHz, one
must continuously adjust the receive frequency to keep the station
centered in the passband. Precision frequency control was obtained
by using GPS controlled, Rubidium locked, or TV sync controlled
phase locked local oscillators. Various techniques were in use to
keep the Doppler shifted frequency in the passband of the receivers.
Submitted by RW3BP, AD6FP, W5LUA and VE4MA

Thanks for the congrats! It was a lot of hard work.


Here are a couple of pictures and info on my system
The 47 GHz EME station at W5LUA consists of a 2.4M offset
fed dish with a dual mode W2IMU feed. Receive noise figure
is approximately 4.75 dB noise figure. The converter uses dual
conversion for good image rejection. The first IF is 8.01 GHz
while the second IF is 144 MHz which is fed to an FT-847.
I use K5GW moon tracking software which also controls the receive
frequency to keep the Doppler shifted frequency in the receive
passband. LOs are GPS locked. A similar upconversion scheme is
used on transmit. The driver at 47 GHz is an Agilent Technologies
AMMC-5040 which provides the drive for a surplus Hughes traveling
wave tube that provides 30 watts at 47 GHz. All equipment except
for the 2M IF is located at the feed of the dish. US Digital
encoders are used to keep the dish within .05 degrees of being
aimed at the center of the moon. This is especially important at
47 GHz since the 3dB beamwidth of the dish is only 0.2 degrees
and the first sidelobes are at the edge of the moon. My best
sun noise measures 7.2 dB while the best moon noise measured is 0.6dB.
Al Ward
May 4, 2005


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